How to Access the Hawkes Synchronization Tool
Reference Number: AA-00666 Last Updated: 2020-07-30 19:40

The Hawkes Synchronization Tool is currently available for Canvas, Brightspace by D2L, Blackboard and Moodle. If you do not currently have the tool available but would like to use it, please contact Hawkes Learning.

Accessing the Tool

The tool can be accessed in Blackboard by following the steps below:

  1. Select a Blackboard course that you would like to sync a Hawkes section with
  2. Expand the Course Tools menu
  3. Choose Hawkes Synchronization Tool (The name may be slightly different.)

The tool can be accessed in Canvas by following the steps below:

  1. Select a Canvas course that you would like to sync a Hawkes section with
  2. Select Modules (Usually the tool has been added to a module. However, occasionally it will have been added to the left navigation bar.)
  3. Select Hawkes Synchronization Tool (The name may be slightly different.)

If you do not see the Hawkes Sync Tool, you may add the tool to your Canvas course content.

The tool can be accessed in Brightspace by following the steps below:

  1. Select a Brightspace course that you would like to sync a Hawkes section with
  2. Choose Content at the top of the course home page
  3. Select the Hawkes unit (The name may be slightly different.)
  4. Select the Hawkes Synchronization Tool (The name may be slightly different.)

If you do not see the Hawkes Sync Tool on the course content page, you may add it by following the steps below. (If you do not see the Hawkes Sync Tool listed as an external tool, please contact Hawkes Learning.)

  1. Select the D2L course that you would like to sync with a Hawkes Section
  2. Select "Content" at the top of the course home page
  3. Select +New Unit on the left-hand side of the page
  4. Name the module "Hawkes Learning" or something similar
  5. Press Save
  6. Select the unit you just created
  7. Press Add in the upper-right corner of the unit
  8. Choose External Tool Activity
  9. Choose "Hawkes Sync Tool" or "Hawkes SSO" from the list

The tool can be accessed in Moodle by following the steps below:

  1. Select a Moodle course that you would like to sync a Hawkes section with
  2. In your Moodle course, select "Turn Editing On" from the gear icon
  3. Select + Add topics
  4. For the number of sections, select 1
  5. Press Add topics
  6. Change name of new topic to ???Hawkes???
  7. Select + Add an activity or resource for the new topic
  8. Select External Tool, and press Add
  9. Fill in the following fields:
    Activity Name: Hawkes Synchronization Tool
    Preconfigured tool: select the external tool you just created
  10. Expand Common module settings
  11. For Availability, select 'Hide from student'
  12. Press Save and return to course