Reference Number: AA-00598 Last Updated: 2023-10-20 16:12


Forgot Password

If you forgot your password and need to reset it, send yourself a password reset email. 

Email Address or Password is Incorrect

If your email address is not recognized, you may not have created an account yet. Navigate to the Account Creation page to create an account or reset your password.

Enrolled in the Wrong Section

If you are enrolled in the wrong section, you can transfer yourself into the correct class. If your instructor does not allow transferring, please contact your instructor.

Unauthorized Access

If you are receiving an unauthorized access message and you are not signed into your Student Account, please clear your browsing data.

Whoopsie Message When Signing in

If you are receiving a message saying you might already be signed in somewhere else, follow the steps in the "Whoopsie..." article for your sign-in method.

"We're sorry! The page you are trying to access cannot be opened..."

If you receive this message when clicking the Hawkes Single Sign On link, use Chrome or Firefox instead.

The Character You Entered is Not Required

If you are receiving a message saying the character you entered is not required when inputting your answer, check your answer to make sure you are entering it in the expected format.

eBook Not Loading

If your eBook is not loading, please clear your browsing data.