New Manage Instructors Page
Reference Number: AA-00821 Last Updated: 2024-07-26 14:30

This page is only available for Course Administrators and is used to add or modify instructor profiles.

For more information, please visit the Online Grade Book Guide.

Accessing Manage Instructors

1. Log in to your Hawkes Teach Account and open your course from the Instructor Dashboard.

2. As a Course Administrator, go to Tools > Manage Instructors.

Adding an Instructor

1. Click Add Instructor.

2. Enter the instructor's first name, last name, role, and email address. Click Save or Save and Add Another to add additional instructors.

  • Note: Each instructor added will receive an invitation email with instructions to create their Teach Account and add their instructor course.

Updating an Existing Instructor

1. Hover over the text you want to change (first name, last name, or email) and click in to the cell to edit it. Click out of the cell to auto-save your changes.

2. Click on the Role dropdown to change a user's role in the course (Administrator, Instructor, Teaching Assistant, View-only, or Attendance Taker).

Deleting an Instructor (This setting is currently disabled)

1. Select the checkbox to to the instructor or instructors you want to delete.

2. Choose Actions > Delete.

  • Note: A confirmation modal will appear listing the names of the instructors that will be deleted.

3. Click Confirm.

  • Note: a CSV export of the sections associated with the deleted instructor will automatically download to your web browser for record keeping.

Searching Instructors

1. Click in to the search box and type three or more letters of the first name, last name, or email address of the instructor you are looking for. 

Manage Instructors Training Video

Frequently Ask Questions

1. Will all the instructors created before the new page is introduced still be there when the new page is released?

  • Yes! No information will be lost when we move to the New Manage Instructors Page.

2. Will Course Administrators still be able to see the sections of their instructors? 

  • Yes! The new Manage Sections page makes it easy for a Course Administrator to find and view the sections they are looking for.
3. Will regular instructors see “Manage Instructors” in the Tool list? 

  • No, only Course Administrators have the ability to view “Manage Instructors”. For regular instructors, the page will be hidden.

4. What does “Forward Hawkes messages to the email” mean? 

  • This box is checked by default so that when instructors get a message in the Hawkes platform, that message gets sent from the Hawkes platform to the email provided.

5. Why isn’t there a save button? 

  • Saving now happens automatically once anything is added or edited.

6. Can a user delete themselves? 

  • No, the delete button is not available if you select your own name from the list.